Book — the Reformation and Confessions
While most Lutherans are familiar with the events of the Reformation, a deeper understanding is provided into the theological substance of the Reformation, and how political, economic, and social factors played a role in its defense. The material addresses the person of Martin Luther and how his personal struggle emerged as a public matter and became a powerful historic event. The Lutheran legacy contained in its Confessions is summarized and presented in a style directed to the laity.
An eBook version can be found on Amazon by clicking here. This book is also available for purchase at $14.99 plus $5.01 shipping from the CLCC. You can mail a check to CLCC at P.O. Box 2782, Idaho Falls, ID 83403.
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Sixteenth Century Europe
The Rise of Humanism
Growing Secular Independence
Political Challenges
The Medieval Church
The Stage for the Reformation
John Wycliffe
Jan Hus
Girolamo Savonarola
Martin Luther
Call for Reform
Posting the Ninety-Five Theses Papal Response
The Diet of Worms
Key Aspects of Luther's Theology
Important Points of Luther's Theology
Doctrinal Integrity
Legacy of the Reformation
The Diet of Augsburg
Aftermath of the Augsburg Diet
The Lutheran Confessions
Luther’s Tower Experience