Welcome to the CLCC

Welcome to the CLCC

Helping Lutheran lay people better understand and appreciate the Lutheran Confessions, using our wonderful heritage to answer our Lord's call to the mission today.

Our Mission

We are a recognized service organization (RSO) of the Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod, chartered as a resource for
Lutheran congregations to build a more knowledgeable laity.

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  • A Layman's Guide to Theological History

    Since the time of the Apostles, men have sought to better understand God and our relationship to Him. While a cognitive understanding does not replace faith as our attachment to God’s grace, the study of God and our relationship to Him is an important undertaking for several reasons. We have been given an intellect, and as good stewards, we are to use this in gratitude to Him and in service to each other. As we become more knowledgeable of God’s revelation to us, we are better equipped to confess our faith and witness to others. We also become better prepared to respond to challenges to our faith that frequently arise in a largely unchristian world.

    We offer circuit convocation materials, seminars, and books on the three topics in this series:

    • The Early Church
    • The Reformation and Confessions
    • The Forming of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
    Learn More
  • A Layman's Guide to Christian Practices

    How does a Christian live? We offer seminar materials on:

    And a pamphlet on the difficult issues surrounding how the church and pastor respond to impenitent sinners.

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  • Pamphlets

    We offer short papers on

    • The Book of Concord FAQ
    • Frequently Asked Questions about the Book of Concord. This can be used to help laity in your church or circle of friends learn more about the Book of Concord and why it’s important for Lutherans.
    • Pastor, What’s this about Church Discipline?
    • A series of questions and answers about Church Discipline — what it is, why it’s biblical, and how it’s to be used in the church.

I appreciate how easy it was for me to read. Nice short sentences, complex thoughts but understandable words, and well-organized paragraphs. I have shared it with my home Bible study.

Glenda, about The Reformation and Confessions

I need to tell our other members what they missed!

Fred, about the Circuit Convocation

An excellent introduction to the history of Christian doctrine through the medieval period. It is admirably concise but covers all the important terms with clarity and understanding.

Steve, about The Early Church