Circuit Convocations and Classes


A Layman's Guide to Theological History

These circuit convocation packages take the highlights of our Theological History books and present them in a way that could appeal to a broad audience. The descriptions of each topic below demonstrate how these could benefit your circuit.

  • The Early Church
    • Seeing these Church fathers and their writings generously referenced in the Confessions, the congregations of your circuit can also see that the teachings we confess today are nothing other than what has been handed down through the ages, starting with the prophets and apostles. Looking at pressing issues confronting the Church now, the participants in your convocation can have the confidence that these interpretations aren’t new or innovative. Rather, they haven’t moved even a “finger’s breadth” from their original understanding.
  • The Reformation and Lutheran Confessions
    • In many people’s minds, the 500th anniversary has come and gone. Not so. We’ve only witnessed the first events of the Reformation. The Reformation can become living history. Each major event of the Reformation can be oriented by its relation to the year your circuit has its convocation. What happened this particular year? What could we be celebrating next year? Let’s look and see. But it’s more than just living history. These are lively and life-giving teachings, and by studying the Confessions using the Reformation as a starting point, the congregations of your circuit can see just how relevant and timely these teachings are, even now in the 21st century.
  • The Forming of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
    • If the congregations of your circuit are struggling to stay faithful to God’s truth in the American climate, they may like to consider looking at the history of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. Leaning heavily on our Lutheran Confessions, our synod forefathers were able to endure monumental resistance against their attempts to stay uniquely Lutheran in a culture that has always been hostile toward it. The people of your circuit congregations can launch into a deeper discussion of our Lutheran Confessions, and what they have to say to our current conflicts, starting from the understanding that we are merely continuing to do what our forefathers had done.

A Layman’s Guide to Christian Practices

  • Evangelism, Outreach and Affirmation
  • Faith and Good Works: The Doctrine of Vocation
  • Worship and Divine Service

Book of Concord

Organizing a Circuit Convocation





“The mightiest weapon which the Reformation employed against Rome was, not Rome’s errors, but Rome’s truths." Charles Porterfield Krauth.

The Reformation gave the Church fathers who confessed that truth a chance to speak again.